Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sermon Notes Revelation 15

These were listed on the sermon note taking sheet but I didn't hit them.
OT Connection: Exodus 15, Jeremiah 10:7, Psalm 86:8-10, Leviticus 26:21
NT Connection: Romans 3, Hebrews 10:19ff

We started with an interactive discussion around the following questions:

- What is the purpose of life?
(Ultimate answer: To glorify God...we were created as God's image bearers and mandated to fill all of creation with his image (Genesis) or reflect His glory back to him)

- When you are angry why are you?
(some of the answers:  "You see injustice, for instance you as a child of God do not understand why the wicked prosper and you don't", "Not in control")

This passage give a glimpse of God responding to the prayers of Rev 6:10.  God is now responding to injustice.

- Top 5 things you appreciate?
(most answered: family, health, job or some variation)
Based on those answers I challenged them by asking "Who is at the center?"  Should Jesus be at the center? Top of the list?

Next we watched the lyric video from Plumb's Need You Now.

In reference to the video I asked "Have you ever been there?"

Where are the saints?  By the glassy sea...where is the glassy sea? around the throne of God Rev 4:6...what are they doing? Praising God for His great and mighty deeds...but they have just come through the tribulation..they have concurred the beast by laying down their lives Rev 12:11....we tend to think that when we get to heaven we will ask "Why?", but I agree with whoever said that the first thing we will say is "Oh, now I understand"...these are standing around the throne praising God for His great and mighty deeds...this is for the cross but I believe also for how he ministered to us through the actions of others...again this is a picture of Christ followers around the throne praising God for what He has done...tying it all together I shared how in the midst of an extremely difficult time in my life I wanted it all to end and that is when the phone rang and it was my friend Brandon calling to check on me...yes it was Brandon talking but I knew it was God calling giving me what I needed to make it through...

Things to remember from this passage:

- God's Sovereign and incontrol (vengence is His not ours...he will set things right in His timing)
- We need to see our actions as God's...do your actions line up with Him?
- God gets the glory in everything...it isn't about us

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Revelation 13-14

I noted that my last post was Oct 5...what a crazy month and a half with ministry opportunities taking me out of town the last 3/4 of October and family vacation at the beginning of November...needless to say it is good to be home.

With that said let me try to catch up the sermon notes:

Revelation 13 (Covered over 2 Sundays):

Main Point:  Die to self, live to Christ

Satan always attempts to mimic God and we see that here in chapter 12-13 as the unholy Trinity is set up.  In this unholy Trinity the Dragon/Satan plays the father, the first beast plays Jesus, and the second beast = the ultimate false prophet or plays the Holy Spirit's role.

Rev 13:1-10

The first beast mimics Jesus having a mortal wound but being healed...the first century readers/hearers would have quickly drawn a parallel to Nero as it was believed that he survived his suicide following censure by the Senate. "Many refused to believe that he had died, and by the late 80s a legend became popular that that he was still alive (some forms of the story had him coming back from the dead) and living in Parthia, preparing an army to invade and retake his throne."  This means that the Anti-Christ would be a Nero like figure establishing a one world government and persecuting Christians.

In the midst of persecution Christians are not to do the following:
- Remember that God is in control and that this unholy Trinity is only allowed to function with God's permission
- Remember that their eternal life is secure with God
- Play the role of prophet warning those attacking them of their folly
- Remember that as they willing lay down their lives Satan is defeated (Rev. 12:11). This provides a stark contrast to the beast's rage (Rev 13:10b).
- See also Matthew 24, 2 Corinthians 1:3-10

Rev 13:11-18

The Second Beast, who he is and his role:
- The ultimate false prophet/HS counterfit
- "Glorifies" the First Beast
- His miracles mirror Elijah's and Jesus'
- Mark mirrors: the sealing of believers, Deuteronomy 6:8, Ezekiel 9:4

Where does his power come from?
- Satan, but he only operates with the "power" that God allows.  Satan's authority is temporary and surpassed by God's

Why is he allowed to do this?
- Earth dwellers refuse to repent and are given over.  See Deuteronomy 13:1-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, Romans 1:24-25

The Christian Response:
- Be Wise: recognize the false trinity and worship/fear God not man nor the unholy Trinity
- 888 = Jesus = complete, complete, complete or holy, holy, holy vrs 666 or imperfect, imperfect, imperfect
- Do repay evil for evil...the battle is the Lord's.  The way Christians win is by maintaining their witness and laying their lives down (Rev 12:11)

Rev 14:1-13

This sermon was more interactive and discussion driven. I allowed the congregation to break into small groups, discuss for 3 minutes and then brought it back to a interactive discussion.


- What does it mean to be a Christian?

The 144,000 represent the church arrayed for war (but not war with guns, but rather as witnesses)

- What do you fear?

Interesting question and discussion

- When you share the gospel do you include fear as part of the discussion?

Note Rev 14:6-7

Christian response found in Rev 14:12-13

A challenging example:

Rev 14:14-20

Title: Are You Ready?

- Are you ready for Thanksgiving?
- What are you Thankful for?
- Are you ready to be persecuted?
- Are you ready to die for your beliefs?
- Are you ready to be judged?

This text foreshadows the judgment that is coming.

OT Background:  Joel 3, Hosea 6:11, Isaiah 63:2-3
NT Background: Matthew 13:24-30, 25:31-46, Mark 4:26-29

First harvest = harvest of believers (those who receive mercy)
Second Harvest = harvest of unbelievers (those who receive justice)

Are you ready?  How are you preparing?
- Do nothing
- Keep sowing the gospel/warning others
- Ignore
- Live life inline with the gospel (die to self, live to Christ)

Basically you should be preparing by knowing/understanding the worth of what you have in Christ and live sold out for him.