Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Depths of God's Grace (Titus 2:11-14)

Title: Depths of God's Grace

Text: Titus 2:11-14

Sermon Link: Going Deep Through Grace

We need to understand the Gospel and wrestle with how it applies to everyday life.  The Gospel is isn't just for cracking the door to Heaven open, so that we can get our foot in the door, but rather it is for everyday Tim Keller says: "It's not just the A,B,Cs of Christianity, but rather the A through Z of Christianity."

I used the following video with the below definition of the Gospel....

Opening Video Link:


What does it look like to preach the Gospel to yourself?  A good starting place is to ask: "Why do we need God's Grace?" (Verse 11)

One way to clarify this is to ask: Why do you do good works?  Do you do them to earn God's favor?  That isn't how it works...that goes against you do good works, because you have God's favor... We need to own the depth of our sin and live in the depths of God's grace. In the midst of sin there needs to be points in time where we just stop and ask: "Why am I running after that and rejecting the greatness of God and His glory?"  If that doesn't convict you...I as a pastor can't help the end the only hope for you (and me) is the Gospel...apart from Jesus and His righteousness applied to you, God doesn't want you on His can't earn his righteousness...Check out Ephesians 2:8-10...we need God's grace because of the depths of our sin...until you feel the weight of that you will love God little...we need God's grace and we need it every day...

Verse 12 challenges us to be trained by the Gospel...How does the Gospel train you?  We easily fall into the trap where we think: "I'm saved, I'm set...I don't need to be trained...I'm right with God...I'm good."  The Gospel ought to be the good coach training you, motivating you, challenging you, helping you see your weaknesses and then strengthening you, so that you get essence becoming more and more like Jesus, but where many of us get hung up is that we think that the Gospel is only for eternal life...many of us converted to avoid the Gospel only for eternal life or is it for everyday life?  Paul is challenging Titus to not forget that it is for everyday life.  It is there to train us and when we start to stray the Gospel should be there to leading us to ask "Why am I trading the glory of Christ for that? Why am I turning my back on God when He loves me deeply? If I turn my back on God and pursue that, it is like another hammer blow on the nails that put Jesus on the cross..."  That should pull us up short...but if we do not preach the Gospel to ourselves can it train us?  I also expanded on how the Gospel trains us to take our thoughts'll have to listen find out about that.

Verse 13 challenges us that we ought to be disciplined to it passive or active waiting?  We are disciplined by the Gospel to wait upon Jesus return...actively.  Our eyes need to be focused on Jesus return...look for and longing for Him...but that isn't a sitting around waiting...marriage becomes an illustration of what it looks individual shared how when they first got married they couldn't wait until their spouse's return...but then over time it changed to "Oh, they're home....can I find a reason to leave now?"  Too many of us are paying lip service to waiting and when the bride groom shows up we'll be caught not the Gospel preached to ourselves daily should challenge us to actively wait for Him with delight, but we don't just sit there, we go and do the works that are laid out before us...the Kingdom can be experienced now....wherever Jesus went He said "The Kingdom of God is at hand"...guess what He is here and now via the Spirit...that should lead to action...and that should lead us to be disciplined to wait for His full return...

That leads us to verse 14...We are to be purified and zealous for good works...we are to be zealous to be His hands and feet...we have been purified, so that when people brush up against us people should see Jesus...too many of us have too much flesh yet for that too happen...the Gospel purifies us if we allow is how God washes (purifies) our hearts, so that the light of God shines through us so they can see Jesus...but to many are sitting back saying "I've got eternity secure...I don't have to worry about the everyday life."  No Jesus came and paid a price, so that you could be "purified and zealous for good works."

God has called us, equipped us and given us everything that we need in the Gospel...everything...the challenge for us is are we going to preach the Gospel to ourselves daily and allow that to motivate us to line up what our heads know with what our hearts believe and let that lead our hands to God, love others and touch/transform the world.

We closed the service with communion after watching the following video:

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Friday, January 2, 2015

2040? (1 John 4:7-14)

Title: 2040?

Text: 1 John 4:7-14

Link: 2040? 1 John 4:7-14

What will 2040 look like?  Do you ever think about that?  It is now 2015 and many of us are left questioning where 2014 went.  But at the end of the 2014 and beginning of 2015 I brought this challenge about what 2040 will look like, b/c if we are going to shape 2040 we will need to make the right investments in 2015.  I also laid out our vision to spur us on to 2040.

So what do you think the church in America will look like in 2040?  Do we really believe that it will look the same as it does today?  Do we really think that we will be meeting in buildings like we do today?

FBC's mission is to "Transform lives for the glory of God"

FBC's vision is "That everyone in the greater Delavan area and beyond has an opportunity to experience a life transforming relationship with Jesus that leads them to love God, love others and touch (or transform) the world.

If we own that vision we better get moving.  We better be asking ourselves "What do we need to be doing to accomplish this."

Here we took a walk through 1 John 4:7-14

Transformation begins in the heart of God...flows to us as demonstrated on the cross...should lead us to loving God, others and testifying about that love.  B/c of God's love your transformation can happen and from there the world.  If you do not understand how much God loves you, you will love Him and others little....

I encourage you to take time to listen and wrestle with these verses.


1. We are called to radically re-orientate our lives

Our Head, Heart and Hands need to line up.  If our head knowledge lines up with what our hearts believe our hands will be moved to action.

2.  We are called to invest our lives

The deeper you go with God the higher level of commitment...

How old will you be in 25 years?  Who will be the leaders of the church in 25 years?  Many of us at FBC will be in our 60s...who do we need to be investing our lives in now, so that they are ready for leadership in 2040?  Costly choices paid now equals a return in 2040....

We at FBC are in a paradigm shift to becoming a Missional/Incarnational Church.  In that the lowest level of commitment is the Sunday morning Gathering...from there the next level of commitment is being in a Missional Community or Community Group and the deepest level is being in a Life Transformation Group...there is a cost going deeper in that model...but if we radically re-orientate and invest our lives this is the path to depth and the way to accomplish our vision...

3.  We are called to be on mission together

We are sent sent ones we need to ask some tough questions.  If we were suddenly dropped into Timbucktoo as missionaries what would you do?  You would figure out where the food and restrooms were, seek to learn the language and understand the culture.  The sad thing is that most of us think we understand the culture around us and yet in reality the culture around us is in flux and changing...we need to be asking do we understand it and what do we need to keep doing and what do we need to do differently.  To fulfill our vision we are going to need to ask tough questions.

If we are going to be on mission together we need more individuals to become "Company people."  I do not know how to say it other than that...We are going to need to get on the same page and communicate/sell where we are going.  To help us get on the same page Pastor Ross is going to start doing training on Saturdays...

Again take a listen...we can shape 2040 by the choices we make today...
