Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Men's Retreat Message #4

What follows are my notes for the #4 of 4 messages I delivered at Lake Ellen Bible Camp's Men's Fall Retreat.


While based on Scripture these talks are heavily influence by my reading of Tim Keller http://download.redeemer.com/pdf/learn/resources/Centrality_of_the_Gospel-Keller.pdf, Peter Scazzero's Emotional Healthy Church, CJ Mahney's The Cross Centered Life, Jerry Bridges' The Discipline of Grace and Dr. Grant Osborne's ECNT Revelation Commentary.

Intro Questions:  Are you a disciple?  How would I know?

Growing up I thought "I could never be a disciple."  They were holy and I am just an average guy...but as we read the New Testament we know this is not true, in fact everyone is a disciple it is just a question of whose. Going back to first talk: Jesus came to divide the world into 2 camps...

Main Point:  Are you useful to the Lord? Everyone is but are you willing?

Text: Revelation 3:14-22

Disciples are faithful and true witnesses
 - Who is Jesus vrs the Laodecians?
 Jesus is the faithful and true witness who came and revealed the Father to us.  The Laodecians are lukewarm.  Until I studied this passage I didn't understand why the cold were celebrated.  Laodecia did not have its own source of drinking water.  There were two towns nearby one that had cool water and one that had hot springs...they piped their water in from the hot springs...by the time it got to them is was lukewarm and full of minerals.  Cold water was refreshing, hot water was useful...lukewarm mineral water is spit out...

Challenge are you saying "Here I am send me"

Disciples know their condition and go to the source.
- Who is Jesus vrs the Laodecians?
Jesus is the source (beginning) of everything while the Laodecians were self-made.  In 60AD and earthquake  destroyed Laodecia.  They refused assistance from the empire and rather rebuilt it themselves with their own money.  Everything they touched turned to gold...they had the finest black wool around, an eye salve to cure blindness was developed there...money flowed into Laodecia and yet in God's eyes they were blind and poor.

Challenge:  Are you building up treasure here or in heaven?

Disciples respond to correction
- Zeal to get right with God must replace lukewarmness

Challenge:  Who are you doing life with and are you holding each other accountable?

Disciples desire fellowship with God
- This is a letter to a church...Rev 3:20 is challenging them that they have locked Jesus/Father out.

Challenge:  Preach the Gospel to yourself maintain your relationship with God

Disciples live for eternity

- Absence of persecution = no need to conquer = living for here and now

Challenge:  Are you living for here and now or in light of eternity?
dot and a line going into eternity

We at FBC talk about the up, in , out triangle.
- How are you doing with the up? Your relationship with God
- How are you doing with the in?  Your relationship with other believers
- How are you doing with the out?  Your relationship with non-believers

Keep the Gospel/Jesus center
Live in brokenness connected to a Life Transformation Group
Let God shine through your cracks

Men's Retreat Message #3

What follows are my notes for the #3 of 4 messages I delivered at Lake Ellen Bible Camp's Men's Fall Retreat. My goal was to share what Living in Brokenness looks like at FBC.


While based on Scripture these talks are heavily influence by my reading of Tim Keller http://download.redeemer.com/pdf/learn/resources/Centrality_of_the_Gospel-Keller.pdf, Peter Scazzero's Emotional Healthy Church, CJ Mahney's The Cross Centered Life, Jerry Bridges' The Discipline of Grace and Dr. Grant Osborne's ECNT Revelation Commentary.

Intro Questions:

What is the purpose of life?  Glorify God
How?  By enjoying him forever..."God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." John Piper
Driving Force:  God's Grace/Gospel/Jesus
Is Christianity rules or a relationship?  It is not a bunch of does and don'ts, but rather a relationship with the living God.  You do not obey to earn favor rather you obey to maintain the relationship.  John 14:21-24, John 15.  The Two Great Commandments and the Great Commission are key.

We are in a battle...there is a great Youtube clip from Deadliest Catch titled "Man Overboard."  We are surrounded by individuals who are drowning and crying out get me on board I do not want to die...they need us to live in brokenness so that they can see the glory of God shine through us yet too many times we flee, fight or hide...

"If we expose our sin, God will cover it up, but if we cover our sin, God will expose it." Austin Duncin

Lessons from an OT battle field:

1 Samuel 13:5-7
1 Samuel 14:1-15

Jonathan wasn't a lone ranger
- God was with him (Holy Spirit)
- Army was present (Church although not armed w/ worldly weapons)
- Armor Bearer (LTG)

Challenge:  You need an Armor Bearer in your life...who are you doing life with?  Or are you doing it alone?

We at FBC challenge/encourage everyone to be in a Life Transformation Group (2-4 individuals who read/discuss large volumes of Scripture, hold one another accountable, pray for those outside of the faith), but they are only effective if we are willing to be broken and vulnerable.

Men's Retreat Message #2 Notes

What follows are my notes for the #2 of 4 messages I delivered at Lake Ellen Bible Camp's Men's Fall Retreat.


While based on Scripture these talks are heavily influence by my reading of Tim Keller http://download.redeemer.com/pdf/learn/resources/Centrality_of_the_Gospel-Keller.pdf, Peter Scazzero's Emotional Healthy Church, CJ Mahney's The Cross Centered Life, Jerry Bridges' The Discipline of Grace and Dr. Grant Osborne's ECNT Revelation Commentary.

Title: Living in Brokenness and Vulnerability

Video Clip:  Apollo 13 "Houston we have a problem..."

I wish that we had all kinds of warning lights when we have problems...but we don't and men we have a problem.

Intro Questions:

Does God want us to be weak?  Why or why not?

Picture of broken flower pots...Church is one of the few places where we shoot our wounded...picture of a pile of broken pottery

Why does God allow trials in our lives?  How are you dealing with them? Dependent or independent? 2 Cor 12:8-10. For the married ones: If your wife said "honey we need to talk" what would you do?  Our responses can generally be placed in one of 3 categories: Flee, Fight or Hide.

In the end we need to release control and receive God's fogiveness

"The extent to which I am in touch with my lostness and brokenness is the extent to which I grasp the glory of the Gospel and am able to revel in the Father's love." Peter Scazerro

Picture of Luke 18:9-14 Pharisee and Tax Collector
Picture of Luke 15:11ff The Prodigal Son

Who are you most like?
- The Tax Collector
- The Pharisee
- The Prodigal
- The Older Brother
- The Father

God want to use you and your brokenness to minister to other broken people, but you must understand that God is your strength.

Cracked Pot illustration

God wants us to let his Glory shine through our cracks, but too many of us cover up our cracks and put on a good front never living in brokenness letting God shine though us...

So what?

Release control, Receive God's forgivenes, Live as a cracked pot

When I am weak then I am strong, b/c Jesus is my strength...

Men's Retreat Message #1 Notes

This past weekend I had the honor speaking four times to 60+ men at Lake Ellen Bible Camp in Upper MI.  Believing that we should never go alone I took my 9 yr old son and 2 other men from FBC with me.

While based on Scripture these talks are heavily influence by my reading of Tim Keller http://download.redeemer.com/pdf/learn/resources/Centrality_of_the_Gospel-Keller.pdf, Peter Scazzero's Emotional Healthy Church, CJ Mahney's The Cross Centered Life, Jerry Bridges' The Discipline of Grace and Dr. Grant Osborne's ECNT Revelation Commentary.

Opening Talk:  The Centrality of the Gospel (both for the follower of Christ and non-Christ follower)

Stories from my life:

- Grew up spending time in the outdoors (e.g. 6 weeks old in the bottom of a boat while my parents fished...that fall out duck hunting)
- The first bird I shot was an American Coot (can you say ugly?)
- I am at home in a marsh (e.g. I can throw a pair of waders on and most people have a hard time keeping up with me)
- Even though I have a great sense of direction one overcast day while hunting a new area I got lost...after trying to find my way out for a while I finally stopped, prayed asking God for a sign to lead me out...upon turning around about 10 feet behind me I noticed a snowmobile trail marker...once on the trail I quickly found my way home
- One Sunday afternoon I and a friend went out duck hunting. I left him set up on one pond while I went and explored the marsh jump shooting...I soon had my limit and went to check on Mark.  I had heard shooting coming from his direction and assumed he was close to a limit...I was surprised to discover that while he was close to the correct spot in reality he was 50 yards off and taking occasional long shots, missing and refusing to move.

So why these stories out of all of the ones I could share? I think they help illustrate a greater story.

- Some of you have life all planned out.  you have a good sense of direction, but in the end you are not going to end up where you expect. You are lost and do not know it...you need a sign.
- Some of you are just like me out in the marsh...you grew up in church, you are at home in the church, but you are just going through the motions...something is missing.
- Some of you are like my friend Mark...you are in the game, you are close, but you let something keep you from being in the right place

Jesus came to divide the world into two camps...one that followed him and became children of God and one that rejected him and became the camp of darkness...John 1:9-13.

This led to a gospel presentation based on Romans 6:23...What we earn (wages) from the things (sin) that we do is separation from God (death), but through Jesus Christ we can receive the gift of eternal life.

Next we talked about the fact that "you can never grow beyond the gospel/Jesus.

What is the greatest need for non-Christ followers?  The Gospel/Jesus.  What is their motivation?  Self.
What is the greatest need for Christ followers?  The Gospel/Jesus.  What should motivate them?  The Gospel/Jesus

You can never get to a place in your life where you can say to Jesus "Thanks for getting me this far...I will take it from here."

4 Thieves to that rob the Gospel of Power

1. Legalism: Basing our relationship with God on our own performance.
How to avoid?  Preach the gospel to yourself...Romans 3:10ff, Galatians 3, 6:14

2. Condemnation/Guilt:  Being more focused on our sin than on God's grace.  I call this reverse Pharisee ism.  I saw this over and over in jail ministry when people would say "God is zapping me b/c I did..."
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself.  Romans 8:1

3. Subjectivism: Basing our view of God on our changing feelings and emotions.  From a positive perspective people will say or think "Things are going good, so God must be blessing me." or negatively "I have done xyz why is God not reciprocating?"
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself. John 3:16-17

4.  JIMBP (Jesus in My Back Pocket): The misconception that I can do whatever I want b/c I know Jesus...in reality these are Christian Aethiests...
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself..Romans 6:1-4, John 14:21-24, John 15

So what?  What is at the center of your life?  Who is in the drivers seat?  You or Jesus?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sermon Notes Rev 12:1-6


Have you ever asked yourself: "Why do you do what you do?"  Your world view and how you answer is very important.

If you believe that this world is all there is then it makes sense to live self centered and try to get as much as possible.  Basically "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die."  But if you see yourself involved in a story greater than yourself you will live your life in line with that story and ultimately in line with the Author of that story.

As we wrestle with Rev 12:1-6 I want us to challenge us with the question: "Does your faith really impact your day to day living?"

Which leads to the Main Point:  What (or who) you hope, believe and trust in needs to impact every area of your life.

The Players in the Great War & what they represent:

The Woman
- equals the people of God.  Progressively moving from the OT to the NT that is Israel > Church.  Jesus declared in John 15 that he was the true vine.  In essence he was saying that he was/is the true Israel (contrast with Hosea 10:1-2, Ezek. 15:1-8) and all who abide in him would be the people of God.  Here the "Woman" represents the people of God
- What Israel was unable to do (Isa. 26:18), namely provide deliverance/salvation God did through Jesus (Isa. 27:1, 7:14 66:7)

The Great Serpent
- equals the Devil (Gen 3) and all who oppose God (Ezek 29:3, 32:2 Jer. 51:34)

Note: The Serpent is only great b/c of the destructive power given to him and not a great sign.  In the end the Serpent only has limited power.  He is a dangerous enemy, but not all powerful or great

Myth or Truth?

Ancient Religions had similar stories (Grant Osborne's Revelation Commentary):

- Egypt:  the mother goddess Isis is pursued by the red dragon Set or Typhon and flees to an island, where she gives birth to the sun god, Horus
- Ugaritic: the storm god Baal defeats the 7-headed serpent Leviathan and sets up his kingdom
- Mesopotamia: Marduk, the god of light, kills the 7-headed dragon Tiamat, who had thrown down 1/3 of the stars
-Greco-Roman: goddess Leto, pregnant with Apollo, is pursued by the dragon Python.  Poseidon rescues her and places her on an island for safety.  After Apollo is born he slays Python.

"The question is why John would tell the story in mythical form. Yet this is not unusual in a biblical context.  Titles of other gods are applied to Yahweh in the OT...in order to say that God has conquered the other gods and taken their names...The purpose here is evangelistic, to say that what the Greeks have known only as myth has now been actualized in history.  One could say that the NT 'demythologizes' Greco-Roman myth by historicizing it.  What the pagans longed for in their myths has now become true in Jesus."

How do we live in light of the Truth?
How do we communicate the Truth?


Why do you do what you do?

What you hope, believe and trust in needs to impact every area of your life.

So what?  What will you change or do differently with your life?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sermon notes: Rev 11:14-19


I stood before a group of 9-10 grade boys and asked: "Can you imagine a world without sin?" One of them without even thinking blurted out: "It wouldn't be any fun."  I wonder how many of us believe that...I also wonder how many of us have the view that heaven is like a retirement community where we float around on clouds strumming harps or playing shuffle board. Can you say boring?  Is that something that you would radically sell out or spend your life living for?

Rev 11:14-19:

- is a snapshot of chapters 18-22
- the silence of Rev 8:1 is reversed in Rev 11:15
- anything unusual about vrs 17?  There is no "who is to come" b/c Christ has come to establish his kingdom
- the separation of John 18:36 is gone
- vrs 18 ties back to Psalm 2
- judging of the earth takes place resulting in reward for believers/those who persevere and punishment for those who reject Jesus.  This is also seen in vrs 19 where the Ark represents God's mercy seat and the storms/earthquake representing judgment

Main Point:  "You can play now and pay later or you can pay now and play later" John Maxwell.  JM was not talking about Revelation, but the thought is very applicable with this text.

Throughout the book of Revelation (esp chapters 2-3) we see the challenge to being a witness and persevere.


- If you are going to be a witness you need to have a way to clearly present the gospel.  My preferred method is to draw out Romans 6:23.
- We need to reverse our thinking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgFU5Ak88-k

Why persevere?

- B/c we will be rewarded (see Gen. 15:1-6, Prov. 11:21, Isa. 40:10 & 62:11, Matt. 5:11-12 & 6:1-18, 1 Cor. 3:5-15)
- B/c God is always with you (Giglio has a powerful message on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg_ZVS6Kecw)

You can live your life playing now and you will pay later (judgment) or you can pay now living sold out for Jesus and play later when he returns.  A world without sin and eternity with Jesus will be sooo much better than here and now, so why wouldn't you live like it?

We ended with communion