Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Men's Retreat Message #1 Notes

This past weekend I had the honor speaking four times to 60+ men at Lake Ellen Bible Camp in Upper MI.  Believing that we should never go alone I took my 9 yr old son and 2 other men from FBC with me.

While based on Scripture these talks are heavily influence by my reading of Tim Keller http://download.redeemer.com/pdf/learn/resources/Centrality_of_the_Gospel-Keller.pdf, Peter Scazzero's Emotional Healthy Church, CJ Mahney's The Cross Centered Life, Jerry Bridges' The Discipline of Grace and Dr. Grant Osborne's ECNT Revelation Commentary.

Opening Talk:  The Centrality of the Gospel (both for the follower of Christ and non-Christ follower)

Stories from my life:

- Grew up spending time in the outdoors (e.g. 6 weeks old in the bottom of a boat while my parents fished...that fall out duck hunting)
- The first bird I shot was an American Coot (can you say ugly?)
- I am at home in a marsh (e.g. I can throw a pair of waders on and most people have a hard time keeping up with me)
- Even though I have a great sense of direction one overcast day while hunting a new area I got lost...after trying to find my way out for a while I finally stopped, prayed asking God for a sign to lead me out...upon turning around about 10 feet behind me I noticed a snowmobile trail marker...once on the trail I quickly found my way home
- One Sunday afternoon I and a friend went out duck hunting. I left him set up on one pond while I went and explored the marsh jump shooting...I soon had my limit and went to check on Mark.  I had heard shooting coming from his direction and assumed he was close to a limit...I was surprised to discover that while he was close to the correct spot in reality he was 50 yards off and taking occasional long shots, missing and refusing to move.

So why these stories out of all of the ones I could share? I think they help illustrate a greater story.

- Some of you have life all planned out.  you have a good sense of direction, but in the end you are not going to end up where you expect. You are lost and do not know it...you need a sign.
- Some of you are just like me out in the marsh...you grew up in church, you are at home in the church, but you are just going through the motions...something is missing.
- Some of you are like my friend Mark...you are in the game, you are close, but you let something keep you from being in the right place

Jesus came to divide the world into two camps...one that followed him and became children of God and one that rejected him and became the camp of darkness...John 1:9-13.

This led to a gospel presentation based on Romans 6:23...What we earn (wages) from the things (sin) that we do is separation from God (death), but through Jesus Christ we can receive the gift of eternal life.

Next we talked about the fact that "you can never grow beyond the gospel/Jesus.

What is the greatest need for non-Christ followers?  The Gospel/Jesus.  What is their motivation?  Self.
What is the greatest need for Christ followers?  The Gospel/Jesus.  What should motivate them?  The Gospel/Jesus

You can never get to a place in your life where you can say to Jesus "Thanks for getting me this far...I will take it from here."

4 Thieves to that rob the Gospel of Power

1. Legalism: Basing our relationship with God on our own performance.
How to avoid?  Preach the gospel to yourself...Romans 3:10ff, Galatians 3, 6:14

2. Condemnation/Guilt:  Being more focused on our sin than on God's grace.  I call this reverse Pharisee ism.  I saw this over and over in jail ministry when people would say "God is zapping me b/c I did..."
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself.  Romans 8:1

3. Subjectivism: Basing our view of God on our changing feelings and emotions.  From a positive perspective people will say or think "Things are going good, so God must be blessing me." or negatively "I have done xyz why is God not reciprocating?"
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself. John 3:16-17

4.  JIMBP (Jesus in My Back Pocket): The misconception that I can do whatever I want b/c I know Jesus...in reality these are Christian Aethiests...
How to avoid? Preach the gospel to yourself..Romans 6:1-4, John 14:21-24, John 15

So what?  What is at the center of your life?  Who is in the drivers seat?  You or Jesus?

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