Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Story Chapter 29 (Acts 15:1-11, Galatians)

Text: Acts 15:1-11 (Galatians)

Link: The Story Pt. 29

Big Idea: Christians are to live lives dependent on and transformed by Jesus that lead others to live the same.

The text wrestles with the question: Does one have to become a Jew first to be saved? Interesting question.  In the end the answer is no, because we live by and are accepted based on faith not works.  Even Israelites are accepted based on faith not work (Galatians 2:15-16)  This is seen progressively as one walks through the Bible.

Opening Discussion Question: What does it mean to live dependent?  Here we broke into small groups to wrestle with this question for 2 minutes and then came back together to discuss.

Dependency = Trust Jesus with everything.  This means more than just spiritual things...many times we or some of us try to compartmentalize our lives and say Jesus takes care of this piece of my life, but here is where I am in control...

Video Clip: (Note this video clip was purchased for use at church)

What are you trusting Jesus with and what aren't you?  Where is your growth edge?  Where are you trusting Jesus?  Where has he shown himself faithful? Where has he proved himself in your life?  Remind yourself of these and ask yourself...where am I not trusting him?

This is what they were wrestling with in Acts 15:  Is trusting in Jesus alone enough? or is it belief in Jesus plus something cannot earn your way into Heaven.

Traps to avoid:

- Slipping back into trying to earn grace/favor
- Doing whatever you want

Living Gospel/Christ Centered isn't balance between these two, but rather is a totally different way.

Discussion Question: Is God in control of your life or do you strive to be?

Video Clip: (Note this video has also been purchased for use)

Trap to avoid:  Thinking you are in control.  You play a role, but God is in control.

What is the benefit or result of living this way?  Galatians 5:16-24 paint the contrast between living like you are the author and those who are dependent on Jesus letting Him be in control of there lives.

Discussion Question:  What does it mean to have your life transformed by Jesus?  (Here to I gave the congregation 2 minutes to discuss this question).

The reason I wanted us to wrestle with this is because I recently met a man who claims to have been in a relationship with Jesus for 30 years and there was no transformation...this ought not to be.  This breaks my heart.  We ought not be maintaining the status quo, going through the motions, but rather should be living transformed doesn't look radically different than living dependent on Jesus.  We do not go from lost in sin to looking like Jesus, but over time our lives should reflect him to the world more and more and that transformation leads to more and more fruit...Also, see Romans 12:1-2.

What should result from this?  Proclaiming to others what has happened.  Our lives should spark in others an interest in what has happened...this should lead to proclamation and be a challenge to them to live dependent on and be transformed by Jesus.

Knowing such good news, experiencing God's transforming work in one's life, how can someone be silent about it?

May you go forward living by His Grace and for His Glory....


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