Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 19 Sermon Notes Letting God Be Just Enough

Title: Letting God Be Just Enough
Text: John 10:1 - 10
Message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVWIReZCnmE&list=PLYSdk4DAv_anFhxfY0u-bVYvh0vcgJIqn&index=3&t=365s

(note we played a song up front so skip to 6:53 for start of message)

In this season it is easy to ask questions like:

- Why is God allowing this?
- If God is so loving why is there disease?

To answer those questions let me start by throwing one more out there:

- Why did or does God lead his people into the desert?

For the past several weeks we at Faith have been looking at what we can glean from the desert situations that God places us in.  This series is based on a series I preached through back in 2018 after returning from a deployment to the desert and on a series by Ray Vander Laan (RVL) titled Walking With God in the Desert.

In previous weeks we learned that God molds and shapes us in our desert moments and in those moments we learn to trust and depend on him as we see his protection and provision.  As RVL says "deserts are a place of danger and peril, but also protection and provision."  But that is if we have eyes to see.

In the shepherding world:

Pasture = Provision and Sheepfold = Protection....but how do shepherds lead their sheep?

Take a moment to read John 10:1 - 10

Main Point: God leads his people into desert moments to train us to hear and listen to him.

In essence to listen and respond to his word.

Here the message walks through and looks at John 10 and briefly Psalm 23

If you were to look at shepherding in Israel you would understand that the place that happens is not in pasture like we in the States are used to, but rather out in the wilderness where the pastures look like places where there isn't even and grass.  But the shepherd leads them along paths where they find just enough grass to live on.  They move from mouthful of grass to mouthful of grass as the shepherd talks to them and leads them.

Lesson Point: God's promises are for those who walk down paths of righteousness following the Shepherd.  You leave the path you leave the shepherd and his protection/provision.

Decision Point:

Follow God and depend on him or play the victim and blame God?

Challenge:  Control what you can control namely your reaction to the trial.

To do this ask yourself:  Do I have enough for right now?

RVL shares a story and a lesson he learned when a rabbi asked him:  Can you handle what is coming in 10 minutes?  How about tomorrow?

We do not know what is coming in tomorrow much less in 10 minutes. But we do know that God provides for and protects those who follow him.  However sometimes that is just enough for the moment.  The rabbi went on to share that"worry is dealing with tomorrows problems on today's pastures."  You see the shepherd provides just enough for right now and will provide just enough in 10 minutes and tomorrow as well.  Another example of this is how God provided just enough manna for today...those who gathered and tried to hoard for the next day woke up to find that it had spoiled.

Lesson Point:  God doesn't change so we know that he will be there providing around the next corner.  God is just enough if we will listen for, hear his voice and follow.

Decision Point:

In the beginning of John we see that Jesus is God's Word.  Is Jesus enough?

Challenge:  In the midst of this desert can you slow down enough to hear the voice of Jesus and will you follow?

Conclusion:  We have a golden opportunity in this season to slow down, listen and follow Jesus.  My prayer is that you and I do not squander this season with fear and worry, but rather embrace it and the lessons that it holds to draw us closer to God.


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