Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Story Chapter 30 Paul's Final Days (2 Timothy 1)

Text: 2 Timothy 1

Link: The Story Pt. 30

Big Idea: Christians need to see the Gospel as their most treasured possession

Let's say you went into the Dr for a routine physical and he/she comes in and says: "You have 4-6 months to live...there is no way of getting around it."  What would you do?  100% certainty that in 4-6 months you will no longer be alive here.  What would you do?

- Pray for more time?
- Reflect and review your life?
- Would the news provide clarity for you how you would spend your last days.

Tim McGraw had a song about this...."Live Like You Were Dying" where he has a conversation with a man who got the bad news, maybe beat the odds, but learned and challenges Tim to that he wishes he (Tim) would get the chance to "live like he was dying"

In today's text Paul is there...he is in prison again, but this time he knows that he will not be released, so he pens this second letter to Timothy.  The sands in Paul's hour glass are getting down there.  So what he says to Timothy will be the things that are the most important. With that said when you look at what Paul wrote prior to this you realize that on the Damascus Road he came to the understanding that he was a dead man who had been given new life...his life from that time on was radically different.  He lived knowing that this physical death he was about to experience was nothing.  It wasn't the end, but rather it was a blessed entrance into eternal life.

I could imagine Timothy receiving this letter anticipating that Paul is going to give him some last great secret to the faith.  But in the end Paul communicates that the Gospel is everything.  Could you see Timothy going "The Gospel? That's it?"  I do not believe Timothy did this, b/c of all the time he spent with Paul prior to this. But we might...wouldn't we?

Paul in his final words to Timothy says: "It is the Gospel...nothing not forget that." And that is why we need to see the Gospel as our most treasured must remain provides us eternal life, but that life can be experienced now.  That is what happened with Paul on the Damascus Road...when Jesus went around teaching what did he say?  Wherever he was He said: "The Kingdom is at hand."  Wherever we are at Jesus is present and that means we can have a taste of the Kingdom now.  When we get hold of that truth how can the Gospel not be our most treasured possession?  When we understand that how can we keep it to ourselves?  How can we not want to give it away?  If you give it away you do not loose it, but rather it multiplies.

Key thoughts/words from the passage:

Verses 3 - 5: Pass It On.

Here we see a picture of the faith passed on from Paul's parents to Paul to his Damascus Road experience to Timothy's grandparent to daughter to Timothy.  The Gospel isn't just Jesus died for you now you can have eternal life sometime in the, rather it is his life, death, resurrection, you becoming more and more like him and experiencing the Kingdom now...we need to be passing it on to our families, but not just there, but rather to our friends, neighbors, co-workers to the ends of the earth...

Verses 6 - 7: Fan.

Here Paul is challenging Timothy to fan the gift of faith into flame...he says: You are a believer for this reason or because of that fan it into flame...I do not think Timothy lost his faith, but rather he is saying live out your calling (Laying on of hands reference of the mantel of ministry)...all of us have a calling to fulfill...namely that we are to live sent lives.  If you are going build a campfire today what do you do?  Do you take some large logs and dump some gasoline on them and throw the have a fire that burns fast and bright, but most likely will not start the logs on you first put some crumpled paper down, then some kindling and then a little bigger light the paper and if need be blow on it (fan it) into a brighter/hotter fire and that eventually leads to a lasting many Christians their stories are they get excited about Jesus start to tell everyone, but 2 years later they are very far away from Jesus...or many the fire has died down and is about to go completely out...Paul challenges Timothy this is not the way it should be...Timothy is challenging Timothy to let the fire burn brightly...Timothy most likely hadn't landed there, but Paul is reminding him to continue to renew his relationship with Jesus daily...which leads to the other aspect of these verses: the Gospel needs to touch every area of our lives...

It is not you threw the match on the gasoline and everyone got excited for a little while and then that was isn't I have Jesus in my back pocket and can do whatever I the picture of discipleship is a picture of bringing every aspect/area of your life under Jesus.  I used this picture from Seth McBee's Napkin Theology ( to illustrate:

A follower of Jesus brings every aspect of their lives under the authority of Jesus.  Everything is focused on Jesus.  You do not find your satisfaction in any of these things...if I am finding satisfaction, comfort over and above Jesus I have an idol that needs to be dealt with...too many of us profess to be Christians on Sunday morning and the rest of the week we are far from Jesus...that is not what it means to have the Gospel touch every area of your life...if the Gospel is at the center things are radically different...listen to the sermon for more examples...

Verses 8 - 12: Not ashamed...worth suffering for...

Because of everything you have been given do not be ashamed of the is your most treasured possession, but rather share in suffering for it...because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control (verse 7) we ought not be ashamed of our most treasured possession...rather be willing to share in suffering...again Paul once thought he was alive, but he was dead, but at that moment I was given life...the present concerns of this world are nothing when compared with the greatest treasure we have...the Gospel...and even if we have to suffer for the Gospel in the end it is everything...

Ill: One individual said to another you should come to church with me...the other responded I've got faith/Jesus I'm which my friend responded "Then why do you have that good luck charm over there?" and the other said "Just covering my bases."  We laugh and shake our heads at that, but how many of us live that way?  We think it is Jesus plus my works...Jesus just makes up for my short fall...I needed 100 points, had 75 and Jesus paid 25...No Jesus paid all 100...when you understand that suddenly the Gospel is everything...I have favor with God only because of Jesus and the works flow out of that understanding and I am not going to be ashamed of the is worth suffering for...

You will have to listen for more on these verses :)

Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us...he will guard us all of our days...Christians will be mocked, but it is worth it because I have Jesus and I can have compassion on them because I know Jesus and I too was once lost...

Verses 13-14: Follow and guard

Guard the good deposit is a challenge to guard the  By engaging our heads, hearts and the world with the isn't just proclaiming is also how you live out your life and how you engage the world....

Listen for how I fleshed this out....

In conclusion Paul is challenging Timothy and us that the most important thing is the Gospel and we need to see it as our most treasured possession...if we do that the rest of our lives will line up with Jesus and as we live it out many will come to know Jesus...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Story Chapter 29 (Acts 15:1-11, Galatians)

Text: Acts 15:1-11 (Galatians)

Link: The Story Pt. 29

Big Idea: Christians are to live lives dependent on and transformed by Jesus that lead others to live the same.

The text wrestles with the question: Does one have to become a Jew first to be saved? Interesting question.  In the end the answer is no, because we live by and are accepted based on faith not works.  Even Israelites are accepted based on faith not work (Galatians 2:15-16)  This is seen progressively as one walks through the Bible.

Opening Discussion Question: What does it mean to live dependent?  Here we broke into small groups to wrestle with this question for 2 minutes and then came back together to discuss.

Dependency = Trust Jesus with everything.  This means more than just spiritual things...many times we or some of us try to compartmentalize our lives and say Jesus takes care of this piece of my life, but here is where I am in control...

Video Clip: (Note this video clip was purchased for use at church)

What are you trusting Jesus with and what aren't you?  Where is your growth edge?  Where are you trusting Jesus?  Where has he shown himself faithful? Where has he proved himself in your life?  Remind yourself of these and ask yourself...where am I not trusting him?

This is what they were wrestling with in Acts 15:  Is trusting in Jesus alone enough? or is it belief in Jesus plus something cannot earn your way into Heaven.

Traps to avoid:

- Slipping back into trying to earn grace/favor
- Doing whatever you want

Living Gospel/Christ Centered isn't balance between these two, but rather is a totally different way.

Discussion Question: Is God in control of your life or do you strive to be?

Video Clip: (Note this video has also been purchased for use)

Trap to avoid:  Thinking you are in control.  You play a role, but God is in control.

What is the benefit or result of living this way?  Galatians 5:16-24 paint the contrast between living like you are the author and those who are dependent on Jesus letting Him be in control of there lives.

Discussion Question:  What does it mean to have your life transformed by Jesus?  (Here to I gave the congregation 2 minutes to discuss this question).

The reason I wanted us to wrestle with this is because I recently met a man who claims to have been in a relationship with Jesus for 30 years and there was no transformation...this ought not to be.  This breaks my heart.  We ought not be maintaining the status quo, going through the motions, but rather should be living transformed doesn't look radically different than living dependent on Jesus.  We do not go from lost in sin to looking like Jesus, but over time our lives should reflect him to the world more and more and that transformation leads to more and more fruit...Also, see Romans 12:1-2.

What should result from this?  Proclaiming to others what has happened.  Our lives should spark in others an interest in what has happened...this should lead to proclamation and be a challenge to them to live dependent on and be transformed by Jesus.

Knowing such good news, experiencing God's transforming work in one's life, how can someone be silent about it?

May you go forward living by His Grace and for His Glory....


Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Story Chap 28: New Beginnings (Acts 1:1-11)

Text: Acts 1:1-11  (Acts 1 - 12)

Note: This book is titled The Acts of the Apostles, but in reality it should be titled The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles.

Link: The Story Pt. 28

Big Idea: We are a family on mission and empowered

Intro: A couple of points from the last two messages and the implications for the family

- Message by Dr. Joe Wasmond: We are in a spiritual battle. Based on David and Goliath and Psalm 37.  He spoke on 5 Stones and 5 Battle Grounds.

- The resurrection is a game changer.  It ought to be a game changer in your life...this should be a motivating/driving factor in our life....there is something wrong if we have a oh ho hum attitude about the resurrection...we are children of the King....we have been set free and the resurrection is a reminder of that is a game changer

A key question: What does family/home mean to you?

For some sadly it means a lot of hurt, pain and dysfunction. But even in the midst of the hurt and pain I hope you have a healthy idea of what a healthy family is that lines up with who Jesus is.  For others we grew up in a great homes/families.  Ill: Late one night 7-8 of my friends came over to my house and one who had never been there just stopped, looked at me and said "This place just feels like home"  I do not think that it was because of the decor, but rather there was a sense of peace, rest and security that she just felt like home to her.

Based on a clip from We Were Soldiers: We Were Soldiers (  Because of the battle we are in we need to be a tight nit family that looks out for one another.  The band of brothers concept.  How much more should this be true of the church...The church ought to be a place where family and home are experienced all the time...We are a family on mission...locked in a battle for the hearts and mind of those who are running away from God...

As you listen you will hear me share two illustrations about being underwater and gasping for air...many of us have forgotten that we were drowning and Jesus reached down, pulled us up and breathed the Holy Spirit into us giving us new life and empowering us for mission...

Family Traits:

- Love: See John 15...we are a family that should be characterized by Loving God and each other more...How can you know that Jesus reached down and saved can you not love God more and more every day?  As I love God more and more how can I not love others around me more and more?

This type of love is characterized by grace that leads to greater compassion, as I have greater compassion how can I not try to figure out how to meet the needs of those around us, as we get involved in others lives and hold each other accountable introducing them to the risen Jesus the game changer.  If we are a grace filled family we can speak into one another's lives.  If we truly love one another we will pull each other back from the cliff

- Empowered witnesses

Everyone has been gifted to play a role in the family.  Each one of us is vital to the family.  If you are sitting on the sideline and not plugged in the family is missing out.  If our missional communities are only meeting together once/week and not spending time together how can we be building each other up?

When we do not live an empowered witness by taking care of our family around us we let one another down...we can't do that it is too dysfunctional...God is calling us to greatness...God is calling us to love..a love that is grace filled, meeting needs, holding one another accountable so that lives might be transformed because God has empowered us not only to minister to one another but to minister to the ends of the earth.

Transitioned into hearing from Nick and Emily a couple that we supported as missionaries to the Middle East...their story of how a transformed family member impacted them and the ripple effect of the that love and empowered mission...make sure you listen as this is a powerful story to end this message on.

My prayer for you is that your church family is on mission and empowered.
