Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mark 2:1-12

Link: Mark 2:1-12

Youtube link:

As we look at New Testament letters the opening verses give you the themes that will be unpacked throughout the rest of the letter. Many weeks ago in my intro sermon to Mark I laid out 3 major themes that will be unpacked in the Gospel of Mark:

- Insiders vrs outsiders
- Jesus' Authority or Who is Jesus and where does His authority come from?
- Faith, not in what you know, but in Jesus

Last week four words that I used to sum up Mark 1 were: repent...believe....follow....serve. As a model for us to live out.  As we walk through the Gospel of Mark, if I am correct on those 3 themes and 4 words, what follows will support and re-enforce that. The first 12 verses of chapter 2 do just that.  In essence Mark is saying remember those themes that I spelled out over here I am now going to unpack them for you in this story.

As I dive into this message I asked two questions:

- How do you respond when things don't go  your way?
- How do you respond when Jesus doesn't act or respond the way you want Him to?

For many of us we respond in the same way to those two scenarios and if we are honest it's not real pretty.  In today's story I have to imagine that when Jesus first says, "Your sins are forgiven" the friends had to be going "What????"  As I walk through this message we'll look at how the themes play out in this story and what our response should be as we mature...

Take a listen.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mark 1:29-48

Text:  Mark 1:29-48

Link: Mark 1:29-48


This message was one last walk through Mark chapter one.  I had a seminary professor who told the story of how Dr. Howard Hendricks had his class take a segment of Scripture and list out 50 observations from that passage.  They discussed it and then Dr. Hendricks gave them the same assignment again.  To a certain degree that is what we have done with Mark chapter one as well.  I gave an intro, then Pastor John came in and preached for me and then I came back and did one more walk by with this sermon as well.

So with that back drop take another look at Mark chapter one and ask yourself: "How would you some it up in 2-3 sentences or maybe 3-4 words.

The four words that I would use are: Repent....Believe....Follow....Serve.

Take a listen to the message and see how these four words provide not only an overview of Mark chapter one, but the whole book as well.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Intro to the Gospel of Mark

Title: Intro to the Gospel of Mark

Text: 1:1-7

Link to message: Introduction to the Gospel of Mark

Link to Youtube:

We live in a world that tries very hard to compress everything into short, little sound bites.  As we have moved from writing letters to emails to tweets, Facebooking and texts we have forgotten the art of letter writing.  The Gospel of Mark is in the end a letter and as such there are major themes that Mark is going to go over and re-enforce.  This message was designed to be a 10,000 to 20,000 foot flyby of Mark or a big picture view of the book, so we can lay out some of the major themes that will be unpacked as we walk through it.

Intro Questions:

- Who is Jesus and what did He do?
- What is a disciple and what do they do?

How do you answer that first question?  So often our answers drill back to "Jesus died on the cross and rose again" while that is key and extremely important if we drill in an focus on just that we miss an important message from the Gospel of Mark.  One of the major themes that Mark focuses in on is Jesus humanity and His modeling for us what it means to be human.  Jesus said "Follow me" in saying that he is inviting us to become what we were created to be...

How do you answer the second question?  The interesting thing is to walk through Mark and note the answer to those questions...As you walk through Mark ask yourself: who is "getting it" and who isn't? Who is on the inside and who is on the outside?

Give a listen to this message and the overview of Mark as we get ready to walk through this Gospel in the upcoming weeks and months.

The message contains multiple quotes from Pillar's The Gospel According to Mark by James R. Edwards.
