Monday, May 18, 2020

Revelation 1:9 - 20

Text: Revelation 1:9 - 20

Sermon Link:   (note: intro was missed)

Service with full message:

Discussion Question:  List 5 words that you would use to describe Jesus.

Verses 10 - 16 is a description of who Jesus is.

Long robe/Golden Sash   Daniel 10:5

White head and hair    Leviticus 19:32, Proverbs 20:29, Daniel 7:9  (Jesus possesses eternal wisdom and is the Ancient of Days

Blazing Eyes   Daniel 10:6   Jesus has divine insight and therefore has the ability to reward the faithful and punish the disobedient

Bronze Feet   Daniel 10:6, Psalm 84:11, Isaiah 60:19  represents Jesus Glory and the Glory of God.  Additionally it points to the strength of Jesus

Powerful voice  Ezekiel 1:24, Ezekiel 43:2  Re-enforces Jesus power and strength

Sword from his mouth  Isaiah 11:4, Isaiah 49:2  This equals words of truth and words of judgment

In light of John's vision of Jesus verse 17 provides his response  (worship) and Jesus comfort (Fear not).  There is no need to fear God if you are serving him.

Note the location of Jesus in the midst of the 7 lamp stands and the location of the 7 stars.  Lamp stands = the church, but we need to remember that is us not a building.  With that in mind we all are Jesus lamp stands, under his control, placed where he wants us.  The question is will we shine or compromise?  Will we suffer in community with Jesus?

Application: Have you ever felt abandoned by God?

How are diamonds made?  If I take a chunk of coal can I make a diamond?  Well if I can add enough pressure does God make diamonds out of us?  By allowing pressure in our lives.  But for diamonds to truly shine they need to reflect the light.

When Heidi and I went shopping for an engagement ring did they pull out a piece of white paper and lay the diamonds on that and say look at these beautiful diamonds?  No they laid them out on black velvet and shined a light on them.  When they did that those diamonds were dazzling.  It is the same with our lives....when God allows trials in our lives we have an opportunity to really shine his glory back to Him. 

In addition to that we have to wrestle with are we learning what God want us to learn in this season?  With the overturn of the safe at home order in WI I have been frustrated.  I have been frustrated b/c I do not want to rush through this season without learning and applying the lessons that I need to learn.  The slow down has been good for me and I do not want to rush back to a busy lifestyle again.  Take the time to sit down and say I believe this is who Jesus is and this is what he wants me to learn in this season.  Or take the time to say "This is what I am thankful for and list them out."

When my dad died a week before my 21st birthday it rocked my faith to its core.  I took the next 6 - 12 months to analyze what I really believed...may you leverage this season to understand and know who Jesus is, understand who you are and let his light and glory shine through you.

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